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Bridging CSR funds and lighthouse projects in India: A win-win situation?

Companies in India are required to spend 2% of profits on CSR activities, and leveraging CSR funds to showcase Danish technology can be a win-win scenario. However, for some companies the Indian CSR framework has proven difficult to navigate in and have thus limited the positive impact on the ground in India. Danish companies are global frontrunners in areas where India is experiencing challenges - be it water, energy, environment, healthcare, food or agriculture. Lighthouse projects are also part of the partnership, but there are challenges with funding these. In this seminar, we explore If CSR funds can be used for such projects, and if this represents an opportunity to bridge a gap that can lead to both increased impact of the CSR funds - as well as supporting the larger implementation of the partnership.


• Is it legally feasible to bridge CSR funds with lighthouse projects in India? • What kind of projects and partnerships are feasible and relevant?

• How do we move forward from here?

Program: 09.00-09.05: Welcome by Mads Schlosser, Director, IDCC

09.05-09.15: CSR projects within water Hans Peter kyk, Commercial Sector Counsellor for Water, The Trade Council of Denmark, New Delhi

09.15-09.30: CSR projects within skill development and energy Eske Rosenberg, Consul General, Head of Trade and Innovation, Embassy of Denmark in India

09.30-10.30: General discussion on partnerships, projects and next steps

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